Back on Track #2


Happy Sunday.

This is getting you life back part 2. 

Diets get so many people confused.
Which is too bad cuz the food you eat is one of the biggest levers you have to make your life way better.  

On the one hand you've got people following the food pyramid filling up on grains and corn syrup...
On the other hand you have people running naked through the fields eating only raw milk and liver lol.

If you have to pick I'd go with option 2 haha but thankfully there is something in the middle that's a little more manageable.  

Last email I talked about getting "stable" in 2025 so you can feel good and lay the foundations for amazing new things in your life.

The truth is I wrote a long email about the basics of diet but even I started to over complicate it.

Then I remembered this rule:

Basically the best diet plan  is the one where you only shop the perimeter of grocery store - that means the outside walls and not the middle isles.
This basically means you buy real food.

Most of the problem foods are coming from the middle isles.

If you stick to the outside you get meat, eggs, fish, dairy, fruit and some veggies... that's the main idea - but nothing wrong with some sourdough bread or a few treats here or there.

It's not a hard and fast rule but it does really help simplify things when you go to buy food. 

The idea is that the foundation of your diet and what you "fill up" on is REAL FOOD.

**You can go more intense if you want and do a full carnivore diet for 30-90 days if you really need a big change (I did this for a couple years and massively improved my mental health and relationship with food, so if you are desperate mentally or physically  I would give this a try).***

But most people just need  meat/eggs/dairy with some fruit, veggies and other stuff mixed in for fun.

This alone can be enough to stabilize your mood, kill off some cravings and help you lose weight.

Here's a post from a really helpful dude that sums up what this might look like on a daily basis, 
(he is a good follow on Instagram here)

The only thing I would add might be some potatoes or rice here and there and some raw honey on that greek yogurt.

You don't need to be perfect but if you eat this way 80% of the time you will see and feel a difference.
It also does not have to be expensive to load up on ground beef and eggs.

It's actually really exciting to make changes and then see and feel your body respond.

I only made diet changes when I got desperate to feel better.

If i'm not interested in something I probly won't do it.

Most people are the same.

They simply can't connect what they eat to how they feel so they never get excited about changing their food habits and feeling better.

Eating this way can be fun, and it can taste amazing, you don't need to be perfect but if you want to feel better it's worth giving it a try.

The only final thing I would add is making protein a priority.

If you changed nothing else but make sure you eat 120 grams of protein a day for women, and 150 gams a day for men, you would lose weight and you would feel better.

Hopefully this helps.

The norm is becoming fat and depressed but we are not the norm.

Keep it simple, and do what you can to improve this year, this month, this week, this meal.

Everything in life gets easier when you don't feel sluggish, bloated and brain fogged.

Talk soon,

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