Freedom Convoy Idiots

Happy Saturday,

I know I said January was about rebuilding your health and personal development, but I need to interrupt that program to talk about rebuilding our country.

After our spontaneous flash freedom sale this week when Trudeau announced his resignation, I got this reply from an email:
I never get tired of these messages.

The answer is No.

We will not stop talking about politics. And we will not stop pushing back against a corrupt leadership that wastes our money and ruins our beautiful country.

There may come a day where we no longer need to liberate Canada from corrupt socialist leadership, but it is not this day!

This day we get louder.

The age of the complacent, media brainwashed boomers with 7 boosters,  who have voted our country into ruin is OVER.

The days of tolerance for this woke, progressive leadership is OVER.

There is ZERO reason Canada cannot be rich, strong and free.

And 2025 is the year we start to make it happen.
We do need an election, but this also needs to be a grass roots movement where we become the change we want to see in this world and we speak out in the voice we want to hear.

So we need to get louder.

We need to get so loud that people like Robert can't step outside their door or open their phone without seeing these "freedom imbeciles" reclaiming and rebuilding the True North, Strong and FREE!
This won't happen fast, but if more people speak up, it will happen - the tide is turning.

So get louder,
Get stronger,
Get better,

And Get Your F-Balm!

Have a great weekend,


P.P.S. You can always judge something but its fruits , and anyone seeking the truth knows that the Freedom Convoy was best thing that ever happened to Canada: 
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