The Tallowed Truth Olympics

I used to love the Olympics.

Now they are dead.

This email won't rehash the sacrilegious opening ceremony or other drama... you can go do your own research and draw your own conclusions.

The truth is, secular society is rotting.

Organizations and events (like the Olympics) that used to celebrate human excellence are now weaponized to mock and undermine these things.

Good riddance.

Life is too short to watch some dude in a thong dance around in a swimming pool.

(I'm exaggerating on purpose here to make a point; I have a ton of respect for the dedication and accomplishments of these athletes - but sometimes we need a hard perspective shift)

People care more about some strangers jumping over a pole than they do about their own life.

I get it, this sounds harsh.

You have fond memories of watching the Olympics with your parents and grandparents... you cheered on your country with pride...

You were inspired.

Well, it's time to wake up.

These big events are just a massive distraction to suck up your energy and take your focus off your own life and your own "game."

Because the truth is we are all athletes in this game of life.

And most of us are losing.

Most of us have given up.

Most of us are not finishing the race.

Most of us are so distracted by the smoke, mirrors, and pressure of "SoCiEty" that we don't even know who we are and what sport we are playing.

Enter the Tallowed Truth Olympics.

This a personal challenge to each and every person reading this email who wants to become a more sovereign individual.

It's time for YOU to compete in the game of LIFE.

It's time for you to get clear on what game you are playing and it's time for you to WIN.

Maybe it's your business,

Maybe it's your family,

Maybe it's losing weight and getting healthy,

Maybe it's finally kicking that bad habit,

Maybe it's starting that podcast,

Maybe it's finally fixing a relationship or having the courage to begin a new one.

Only you know what game you need to compete in.

No one can do this for you!

You can sit in a chair and feel like those Olympians represent you but it's simply not true.

No one can compete for you.

I don't care if you're 18 or 80.

You need to compete starting today.

God needs you to compete;

The people in your life need you to compete;

And you owe it to yourself to compete.

So get clear on your game and let's start winning.

Your opponents are taunting you.


That demonstration in the Paris opening ceremonies was a blatant taunt from your opponent... from your enemy.


You gonna take that?

You gonna sit back now for the next two weeks with your chips and dip and give your silent approval to that blatant disrespect??

Heck no.

We're gonna get in the game and fight to the death for goodness, truth, and beauty.

Forget the medals, let's win a better life,

Hit reply and let me know what game YOU are going to start winning at in life over the next two weeks,



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Hey love your comment section and I cant wait for my order.I was buying local in Saskatchewan I was guided to try your product.I am an evergy healer so I would love recommend to my clients my experience..
Everyone has to wake up from the crap show we have been served for the last 4.5 years already seens for ever.But saying No and not complying was the first step but being strong mentally and physically takes work taking charge of our lives making good health choices. Using natural products like you are offering are exciting so you have a chance to be your best self and do what iright from your heart so we can all will be free sovereign beings.Canada needs to step up and stop the screwed up woke narrative.
Thank you


Very inspiring – thank you.

Lance Fleming

You mention God. Don’t you realize that the church, of whatever description, is one of the biggest corporations and big businesses out there? Be free, but within the limits of what someone tells you.
Look at what ‘religion’ in the States is doing to women’s rights? I know they are not the worst, far from it, but religion is moving us to be more controlled and less free.
Otherwise, I agree that big business is taking over everything.


Hey, I hear you. But I made a choice years ago and got rid of “life” tv. So I can’t say I even saw what they did at the Olympics or nor do I
care. No fake news , no following the sheep. My heart feels for the athletes who work so hard yet have given in to the bullshit of the world. Thanks for fighting the fight, in the end we will still be standing and winning.


They’ve destroyed the Olympics. Worse, is how most citizens are ignoring this destruction and watching, instead of protesting. Wake up folks!


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