Use F-Balm This Way

If you're easily scandalized, do not read this email!

Ok, that's my disclaimer.

Nah, I would never lead you astray. It's nothing that bad.

But it did make me laugh.

We get all kinds of comments on Facebook since starting this brand, but every once in a while we get some good ones lol.

In a world with so much drama and controversy, I appreciate these moments and these comments:
Maybe I'm just immature, but this killed me lol.

Now listen:

I don't make any claims of this kind at all, and I also don't make any recommendations about using F-Balm in any "uncouth" ways. 

Here at The Tallowed Truth, we take the high road whenever we can and encourage others to do the same;)

What you do with your wife/husband is none of my business.

But what is my business is helping my customers get the best use out of my product.

So all jokes aside I wanted to share the biggest "tip" (no pun intended) for having a better experience with the F-Balm:

In an ideal world, the temperature would be such that the Balm would be smooth and buttery - like butter at room temperature.

In this state, it should spread and absorb pretty easily and "glide" over the skin without any "stickiness."

But to make this experience even better, the best way to use F-Balm is after showering/washing or rinsing - while your skin is still moist!

Applying to warm/wet skin allows for faster absorption and easy application.
If you've got really dry skin, you can also try this trick: after washing your face before bed, put a hot washcloth on it for a minute, then take some Balm and massage it onto your skin. It should melt right in!

The nice thing is, you can slot your F-Balm application into your morning or evening routine after showering or washing your face.

So you don't have to carry around another tin with warm water, lol.

But I've had some questions about this, so hopefully this helps.
This is a balm rather than a lotion (there is no water in the Balm to dilute it) so it is always going to be a bit firmer.

That said, we are launching a new product soon that is super light and faster absorbing - you are going to love it (more on that soon).
In closing,
I can't guarantee this will make anything bigger, and I can't be held responsible for your spouse's complaints, but I can guarantee you that F-Balm will most definitely make your life better rather than worse.
I hope this helps, and I hope this gave you a chuckle, too.

Talk soon,

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